Inversion therapy table | relief from back pain

27sep 2019
Inversion therapy table | relief from back pain
Are you thinking about trying inversion therapy? Inversion therapy table is a technique where you are suspended upside down to stretch the spine and relieve back pain best inversion table buying guide

The general consensus among medical professionals is inversion therapy tables are mostly beneficial for short term back pain relief. The best ways to prevent long term back pain is to stay active, exercise regularly, stretch out the back when sitting for prolonged periods of time, be careful when lifting heavy items and more. As with anything, your medical professional can determine whether an inversion therapy table is right for you, or if other spine health practices may benefit you more in the long term. uses a revolutionary spine adaptive functional restoration program to help patients experience long term relief from back pain. We firmly believe the key to great spine health starts with improving daily habits and being conscious of every action you take with your body. This is much easier than it seems when you learn about how our program works, so contact us today if you’re ready to get rid of your back pain for good.
The main idea around inversion therapy tables is to reduce the gravitational force put on the back. Since gravity is constantly compressing the spine, using an inversion table is designed to decompress it and lead to a more relaxed feeling and possibly reduce pain.

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